Since 2005, Eco Adventures Travel has been working to develop Ecotourism in a sustainable way within its true principles. For this purpose we received assistance from a Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality and several partners involved with tourism and the environment, as well as NGOs, Universities, local community, government departments, etc.
The information presented below is an integral part of the graduation project: PROPOSAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECOTOURISM IN THE PASSO DO LONTRA REGION – MS. Balneário Camboriú (SC): UNIVALI, 2000.
Ecology and preservation of the environment, from the 1970s, became a widely discussed subject in developed countries, “(…) which started a process of discussions and meetings that culminated in documents such as the Declaration of Stockholm (1972), the Cocoyoc Declaration (1974), the Bruntland Report (1987), ECO 92 and finally RIO-95. All with the aim of opening spaces to discuss alternative styles of development that reconcile the basic premises of sustainable development.” (Andres, 1998, p. 42).
For the World Commission on Environment and Development, Sustainable Development is a “Model of economic and social development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Sustainable development thus emerges as a way of reconciling economic development, environmental preservation and cultural appreciation of the communities that practice it.
In this context, sustainable tourism emerges as one of the ways to achieve sustainable development, in order to avoid damage to the tourist environment, minimizing the social costs that affect local residents, optimizing the benefits of tourism development.
For Pearce apud Beni (1998, p. 61), sustainable tourism is the “maximization and optimization of the distribution of benefits from economic development based on the establishment and consolidation of security conditions under which tourist services are offered, so that resources natural resources are maintained, restored and improved”.
According to MICT/MMA (1994), ecotourism emerges as one of the most intelligent instruments of economic viability for the correct management of natural resources, offering Brazilians a worthy alternative to earn their livelihood and a better life, while ensuring future generations, access to nature’s legacies.
According to Pires (1998), ecotourism expresses a segment of tourism that presents itself today as one of the main alternatives for sustained development in tourist destinations in the world, especially in regions and countries with a depressed economy.
For Lindberg, Hawkins (1995), ecotourism is considered as a new and promising instrument to preserve fragile and threatened natural areas as a means to provide opportunities for the development of communities in developing countries.
Next, some definitions for ecotourism activity will be presented, taking into account the different sectors interested in the development of the activity.
For the environmentalist Lascurain apud Pires (1998 p. 79), Ecotourism is: “the realization of a trip to natural areas that are relatively undisturbed or contaminated with the specific objective of studying, admiring and enjoying the landscape together with its plants and wild animals, as well as any cultural manifestation (past or present) that occurs in these areas”.
Government bodies in charge of planning and managing policies in this area define ecotourism as:
“a segment of tourist activity that uses, in a sustainable way, the natural and cultural heritage, encourages its conservation and seeks an environmental conscience through the interpretation of the environment, promoting the well-being of the populations involved”. (MICT/MMA, 1994 p. 19).
The Ecotourism Institute of Brazil – IEB, as a representative entity of the trade, defines ecotourism as:
“the practice of leisure, sports or educational tourism, in natural areas, which uses the natural and cultural heritage in a sustainable way, encourages its conservation, promotes the formation of environmental awareness and guarantees the well-being of the populations involved”. (IEB, apud Pires, 1998 p. 83).
Ruschmann apud Pires (1998 p. 84), defines ecotourism as: “being trips carried out by specialized companies with the objective of providing the tourist with direct interaction with nature, respecting the principles of socioeconomic development of destinations, promoting environmental education and the sustainability of the environments visited”.
In all the definitions cited above, it is noted that it is common to all of them, the use of the environment, whether natural or cultural, conserved or little altered for the realization of the e
With the popularization of ecotourism, thousands of people seek natural environments to practice leisure activities ranging from a simple walk to the practice of nature sports.
Nature needs to be treated with care and respect, it is not possible to carry out cleaning and recovery work in the same way as it happens in cities. Therefore, the protection and conservation of the visited destinations depends a lot on their behavior.
As a visitor, you can and should help to avoid and/or minimize the impacts that tourism can bring to a given location, just follow the recommendations presented below:
A melhor viagem, o melhor atendimento de venda com o Allison, sempre muito prestativo, claro, e seguro! Tive sorte de encontrar pessoas maravilhosas nessa aventura Do guia, a fazenda Santa... read more Clara que me recebeu tão bem, me senti em casa, fiz amigos, que eu estou sentindo falta até agora! Não consigo superar todos esses dias no Pantanal, ainda queria mais e mais, um investimento em mim, nas minhas vivências! E sem dúvidas farei mais viagens com a equipe, e com certeza quero voltar em breve ao paraíso que é o Pantanal!
Incrível! Indescritível! Só quem vive, sabe!
Experiência na Amazônia - Eu e meu marido fomos para a Amazônia viver a experiência do Juma Lodge, com apoio da Eco adventure travel, e amamos tudo. O Alisson organizou tudo para a... read more gente com muito profissionalismo. A experiência no Juma foi maravilhosa (desde a estrutura da acomodação ao atendimento de todas as pessoas lá), vale a pena! Gratidão!
É obrigatória essa parada entre Campo Grande e Bonito. Só maravilhas. Ficamos na Fazenda San Francisco, e apesar do custo benefício não ser o melhor, ela é a referência para... read more os passeios.
Prepare-se para sair picado, não adianta calça, nem repelentes, os mosquitos são astros locais.
Dia inesquecível - Muito profissionalismo por parte da agência. Alisson e motorista Rafael foram solícitos e gentis!
O passeio em si é encantador! Nem dá para acreditar na quantidade de lugares lindos... read more e de animais maravilhosos que conseguimos ver em um único dia. Vale a pena o investimento!
Desde quando era mais novo quis vir ao Pantanal e não me decepcionei. O serviço foi excelente, apesar de termos que acordar super cedo. O motorista foi pontual e nos... read more levou ao lugar marcado em ponto. Fora que o passeio foi divertido, educativo e conhecemos pessoas muito legails. Altamente recomendado.
Pantanal sul descomplicado - A Eco adventures cuidou de tudo para que minha viagem fosse ao máximo otimizada. Me buscaram no aeroporto, me levaram até o pantanal sul, na volta também tive o traslado... read more até o hotel, já que tenho mais um dia livre em Campo grande. O Alisson é um profissional que dispensa comentários. Me sanou todas as dúvidas, possui amplo conhecimento de logística e Pantanal, todas suas dicas foram preciosas para a organização da viagem. Muito atenciosos e preocupados com a nossa experiência do início ao fim da viagem. Foi tudo excelente, fora o custo benefício. Indico fortemente. Obrigada Eco Adventures Travel! Vou já com saudades do Pantanal.
Perfeita / melhores férias - Passamos 4 dias em Bonito e 3 dias no Pantanal - todo terrestre organizado perfeitamente pela ECO ADVENTURES - transfer, alimentação, hospedagens, passeios.
Atenção desde a primeira solicitação... read more de cotação, ate os ajustes, fechamento e acompanhamento na viagem toda.
Quero fazer uma excelente recomendação quanto a Eco Adventure.
Fomos em grupo, com 6 integrantes e todos nós fomos muito bem recepcionado, desde a reserva, transfer ida/volta, hospedagem, alimentação e... read more passeios.
Fizemos alguns passeios de focagem que nos deram a possibilidade de inclusive ver a tal onça pintada, uma das maravilhas no Pantanal e sim, vimos a onça no Pantanal sul.
Os passeios em parceria com Jungle Lodge e a Exo Adventure foram excelentes.
Alysson, parabéns pelo seu engajamento, pontualidade e comprometimento, estreitamos uma relação de parceria, além da formalidade da mera formalidade de cliente, tudo por causa da confiança que você nos transmitiu, pode ter certeza que você sempre terá a nossa indicação.
Forte abraço e que Deus te abençoe nessa caminhada.
Sempre quis conhecer o Pantanal, e foi uma experiência única.
Pessoal da agência foram ótimos com todas as assistência necessárias desde o primeiro contato.
qualquer dúvida sobre roteiro,... read more ou qualquer outra coisas sempre estiveram a disposição.
Nosso guia da pousada foi muito atencioso, pontual e informativo.
Sem falar que a comida na pousada estava simplesmente maravilhosa.
Já estou com saudade de acordar com o barulho dos pássaros e estar no meio da natureza.
Marden K.14/12/2023It was a great trip to Pantanal and Santa Clara Lodge. Special thanks to Alisson, he changed the tour for me so that I could reach my return flight in time. The nature tours from Jaguar Man Elias and Pedro were great!
Simon Harries13/12/2023The team were super-helpful not only in the easy booking process, but also in giving advice on my onward travel plans. The lodge is fantastic, in a perfect location to enjoy both the wildlife and memorable sundowners. The included food is tasty and plentiful and drinks and snacks are available at very reasonable prices. The guides are very good, full of knowledge and very focussed on delivering the best experiences and wildlife encounters for their clients.
Adriana Bracko29/11/2023Alisson and David organized everything for us in Manaus, from transport to tours. The highlights are definitely the 2 nights in the floating house +1 night in the jungle and the other tour to swim with pink dolphins and visiting an indigenous tribe. Loved everything from start to finish. The floating house we stayed had everything we needed: good bed, air-conditioning and simple delicious food. Mathias was our guide and his knowledge about the Amazon is unbelievable. In some activities, João (local guy) also came along and he is really good too. They got so many fishes on the night we slept in the jungle that we all went to bed (hammocks) with full stomach. These guys did everything, from building dinner table to making cooffee in a really traditional cool way. The other tour was amazing too. The pink dolphins are sooo sweet and we were lucky to have lots of them around us. With the indigenous tribe we had a lesson about tradition and dancing and also could appreciate their art. I highly recommend Eco Adventures.
Carolina Madarasz08/11/2023Amazing tour, highly recommend it! Allison was super helpful and professional in organizing the trip. We had a fantastic day with stunning views!
Paula Pimentel Doná23/10/2023Allison prestou um super serviço desde o início, entendendo nosso perfil e fazendo sugestões de passeios assertivas. Tivemos um problema com o agendamento de um passeio, mas a equipe logo conseguiu uma saída que nos agradou muito. Recomendo muito o trabalho do Allison e equipe, são prestativos, atenciosos e ágeis.
Franziska Domann22/10/2023Sehr spontan organisierte Alisson trotz Nationalfeiertag unseren viertägigen Trip ins Pantanal. Von der Organisation zur Kommunikation bis hin zur Verlässlichkeit war alles mehr als perfekt! Wir schliefen auf der Santa Clara Farm und nahmen an zahlreichen Aktivitäten teil: Bootsafari, Piranha-Fischen, Jeepsafari, Pferdereiten, Wanderungen…aber es gab auch genügend Zeit zum Entspannen auf der gemütlichen Farm. Das Essen war ebenfalls der Hammer. Ein rundum tolles Erlebnis, was wir jedem mehr als empfehlen!!
Ana Paula16/10/2023Super recomendo! Fizemos um passeio incrível e super bem planejado. A indicação do destino foi perfeita para o nosso grupo e objetivo. Obrigada Eco Adventures Travel.
Konrad Rohr08/10/2023We booked a 3N Pantanal and 2N Bonito tour. The trip was well organized by Alisson, who handled our requests last minute. In the Pantanal we stayed at Santa Clara which is a nice location with good food. Our guide the "jaguarman" we really can recommend (even though, we did not see a jaguar ;)) as he is very passionate about his job and very entertaining! Of course we cannot compare to other tours, but we were overall happy with our budget tour we booked and would recommend it. If you want to see even more animals and increase the chances to spot a Jaguar one probably would have to go for a more expensive tour in the northern Pantanal.Avaliação totalizada Google 4.8 de 5,
com base em 78 avaliações
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